The first desalinization proposal by California American Water was called the Regional Desalinization Project or RDP. This project was to be a public-private partnership between Cal-Am and peninsula water agencies. It was an outgrowth of a CPUC study, mandated by the state legislature, to develop a long-term contingency plan to resolve the region's water supply issues. The resulting report advocated a plan that came to be known as the Coastal Water Project. In 2004, Cal-Am filed an application with the CPUC for approval of the RDP, which basically followed the recommendations of the Coastal Water Project. You will sometimes see the two terms - CWP and RDP - used interchangeably. [More detailed history.]

The CPUC approved implementation of the RDP by California-American Water, Marina Coast Water district (MCWD), Monterey County Water Resources Agency (MCWRA), and the related Water Purchase Agreement. Generally, the agreement required MCWRA to construct, own, and operate its wells to pump intruded seawater from the Salinas Groundwater Basin; MCWD to construct, own, and operate the desalinization plant to treat that water; and Cal-Am to construct, own, and operate facilities to distribute the treated water to its customers.

The application for the project was filed in 2004 and withdrawn January 2012. Responsibility for the failure of this project depends on who you ask.

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